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E, S, G in 2023 - Focus areas within sustainability in 2023


Sustainability performance highlights 2023 

Environmental information 

Our ambition is to become climate neutral by 2040, and to align with the 1.5-degree pathway according to the Paris Agreement in our own operations by reducing scope 1 and 2 with 42 per cent by 2030 from a 2022 baseline. Decarbonising our own operations is critical, but we also want to contribute to reducing emissions and impact on nature from our supply chain. 

Climate change 

We are committed to reducing our own emissions and helping our customers to make greener choices. In 2023, we offered new initiatives like fossil-free deliveries to customers and worked with several courier suppliers to reduce our upstream transport footprint, taking us one step closer to our net-zero ambition. 


Pollution is a material concern for many companies due to its impact on the environment. In our 2023 materiality assessment, we identified pollution to water and soil by raw material producers and sea transportation as material matters, which related to our upstream supply chain. We realise, however, that there is a need for more knowledge about our impacts, to initiate actions and measurements during 2024. 

Resource use and circular economy 

Our sector brings many opportunities, but not without challenges. Electronic waste is the fastest growing solid waste stream in the world. Electronic products often contain scarce and precious materials, and thus products need a long life, and they need to be recycled. We offer a number of circular services to make products such as mobile phones and laptops stay in the loop as long as possible. We have ways to efficiently collect used products and electronic waste from our customers. Together with our recycling partners, we want to make sure as little as possible goes to waste but is given a new life. In 2023, we have helped thousands of products to a new life within our services Komplett FLEX, Webhallen Revive and NetOnNet’s trade-in and buyback programmes as well as programmes for selling used products. We are determined to contribute in the transition to a circular economy and we want to do this by making sure that at least 15% of Komplett Group’s revenues comes from circular products or services by 2028.  

Social information 

The social information chapter in our Sustainability report covers three key areas: our own workforce, workers in our value chain, and consumers and end users. These topics, identified as material in our 2023 materiality assessment, are essential to our business. Recognising the importance of these areas, we prioritise fostering a positive relationship with our employees, ensuring fairness throughout our value chain, and meeting the needs and expectations of our consumers and end users for our longterm success. 

Own workforce 

Our employees are one of our most important assets. Komplett Group aims to be an inclusive and attractive employer that attracts and retains talent and has a positive impact on society. Our goal is to have the industry leading employee temperature, and gender balance in leading positions.   

Our primary focus is to ensure that our employees experience a sense of responsibility, security, and motivation. We create an environment where managers play a crucial role in fostering the development and success of our employees.

Workers in the value chain 

Our suppliers commit to our ethical expectations that are in harmony with international standards, by signing up to our Supplier Code of Conduct. In 2023, we particularly increased our risk mapping and actions related to fundamental human rights and decent working conditions, in response to the 

Transparency Act, which is required by Norwegian law. 

Consumers and end-users 

We are serving customers in the B2C, B2B, and distribution segments. Building on decades of expertise and deep customer commitment, the group enjoys a loyal and growing customer base. Leading customer satisfaction is our top priority. Through our double materiality assessment 

2023, we identified information-related impacts on our customers as a material sub-topic, and specifically related to privacy. 

Governance information 

Komplett Group operates in various cultures, labour conditions, and risks. We are committed to responsible business behaviour in our own operations and value chain. This means fostering responsibility by having appropriate policies and practices, not tolerating fraud and corruption, ensuring a culture of respect, honesty, and fairness, and supporting transparency.